So, let me start from the beginning. Hailey got sick Monday night due to something she ate, we think. Tuesday, she didn't really feel like eating much. Fastforward Wednesday morning:
STARVING 3 year old.
The little monkey was so hungry and I felt like the worst mom in the world telling her she couldn't eat or drink anything till after her visit to the doctor. Her huge brown watering eyes looking at me saying "i'm starving! just one piece of cereal, please..." was enough to completely break my heart.
11:00 rolled around and we get to the hospital. The first thing they did was an ultrasound to check her kidneys and bladder. The tech was cool..showed her how cool her fingers looked on an ultrasound screen and she liked that. THEN came the part where she had to take her shirt off for the rest of it. NOT GOOD. She KNEW it was not all fun and games anymore and things were about to get serious. Although I had to hold her the entire time with her clinging for dear life, the worst was yet to come.

In comes the pediatric sedation team. The nice thing, is they come from Primary Childrens Hospital and are very familiar with wee ones. They brought her a plethora of presents. A hospital doll that she could draw a face on, a bag of goodies including but not limited to a bouncy ball, tiara, noise makers, etc. They also had a cute little tutu for her. They were pretty good about getting her interested in the toys and helping the 'Hospital Doll' get her medicine too. The part that was the worst was the IV.
She was awake and in it went.. after a couple tries of course. So here we had a screaming toddler, an almost ballistic mother, a sad daddy and 3 nurses holding her still. All combined made for a VERY intense few minutes. Let me just say, I hope I NEVER have to hear that kind of a cry come from my baby girl ever again. Through the proceedure, she cried the entire time. Even though she was sedated, she had tears running down her face. They said that was normal because the meds make them weepy.. but oh man. So sad. When the proceedure was over, which we were able to stay with her the entire time, they brought her a grape popcicle which she LOVED, especially because they gave her two! And after being a little dizzy all afternoon, she has recovered. Even though the medicine they gave her is suppose to take away the memory of it all for traumatic reasons, I found myself wishing they had some of that for me too. I never want to have to experience that again. I'm just glad its over.

by the way, they found nothing wrong with her. Of course. So... back to the natural way of doing things. Eating better and logging everything she eats. I'm pretty sure it's a food allergy. Hopefully we can pinpoint it soon.