Saturday, March 29, 2008

A mother's nightmare...

I know there are many things that can qualify for a mother's worst nightmare. One of them happened to me yesterday. Hailey and I were at the store and lately, she has been finding ways to wiggle herself out of the buckles in shopping carts. Soon after she does that, she lunges toward me grabbing my neck while the shopping cart goes flying away from us. I have been trying everything from sinching the buckle to giving her a distraction while buckled and yet, she still manages to wiggle so quickly that I don't have time to react before she is grabbing onto my neck for dear life. I'm not sure we should have been calling her 'Monkey' from day one, because I really think she is turning into one. Well, yesterday while at the store, I turned around for two seconds, thinking she was securely tied to the shopping cart and the next thing I knew, there was a LOUD thump and my sweet baby girl laying face down on the hard floor. She immediately began screaming and I grabbed her so fast thinking the worst... broken neck, concussion, skull fracture, etc. After carefully observing her for a few hours, we realized she would be fine. I felt HORRIBLE and pretty much was a mess all night. I apologize to those who had to be around me last night, as I was not myself. I called my mom in a panic needing to be reassured that I'm not a horrible mother for not being aware that my daughter was doing a 'peter pan' out of a shopping cart. Mothers are great in reminding us that it's only the beginning of many booboo's that are to come! As for all you mothers out there that this has happened to, or that are scared of it happening, I feel your pain.


This is Us said...

I had a very similar experience with Spencer when he was about the same age. He face-planted out of his stroller on to a concrete floor. He's screaming bloody murder, I'm crying, and people are just staring at me. Luckily it only did slight brain damage. Just kidding of course. It's amazing how pliable children are.

Amy Berry said...

It is amazing how quick kids are, and unfortunately with almost every kid something like this happens at one point or another. She is a pretty tough little kid and no matter what she still loves you, even though this really isn't your fault. It just happens.

The Staheli's said...

I'm so sorry!!! Your stomach probably jumped into your throat! You are a great mommy! And look at that smile on Hailey's face. What a trooper. Make Nate watch her every time you go to the store now! You'll have a dang good excuse..."honey, remember what happened last time!!?" :D Since she is okay, you could use it to your advantage! haha

Marce said...

you're such a great mommy, tiff. i hope i'm just like you with mine. hailey is just SO loved! i know this is silly, but she even looks adorable with a little scrape.

Leah said...

For the past couple of days I've been babysitting my sister-in-law's kids. I made the mistake of taking three kids under three to Costco and they ALL almost fell out of the cart! What a nightmare. I don't ever want to go grocery shopping again!