Saturday, December 17, 2011

Wisdom Teeth Day 2

Today was really rough to start. I ended up sleeping on the recliner for half the night since laying in bed wasn't really working well.  I also had a moment of getting really mad at Nate for leaving me to go to an auction, but in the end, I completely understood why he had to. I was just worried about how I was going to care for my little ones in the condition I was in, which was not good. However, my sweet cousin Rachel stepped in this morning and took really good care of them and got them dressed and fixed their hair so that they would be ready for my in-laws to step in and take them off my hands for the afternoon. I have the best family. After getting some rest and still feeling awful, I decided to change my meds from Lortab to Ibuprofen and i'm so glad I did. The lortab did nothing for the pain, but made me sick instead. The ibuprofen was an answer to prayers. I'm feeling much better, and can actually sip on a smoothie that Nater so graciously made for me. (Probably the best smoothie I've ever had--no joke.) I am starting to swell a little, but I can't complain.

Hopefully it's all up from here!

3 comments: said...

You look SO good! Seriously if Hailey had not showed me your fangs, I may not have believed that you just had your wisdom teeth pulled. Then again, you were pretty out of it. Glad I was around to help you this morning. I had fun with your little monkeys:). And I am so glad you are doing better tonight! Woot woot for ibuprofen!

Allison said...

I'm teething right now and these post extraction posts are doing NOTHING to motivate me to go do something about it. Thanks Tiff :P Oh and you look so good it makes me sick "puffy" my butt!

Scott and Valerie Johnson said...

I have to agree with Allison. You don't know "puffy",