Friday, April 13, 2018

October 2015 Bishopric

Less than one week prior to these pictures, Nate came home from work and the first thing he says to me is "you ready to move?"  When I asked him why, even though we truly had been looking for houses, he told me that the Stake Presidency had called and wanted to meet with him.

The next night, Wednesday, we went to the Stake Center, already wondering if it had something to do with the bishopric changes we already knew were coming. Our good friends Alex and Nicole Mitchell had moved recently and Alex was in the Bishopric. Well, sure enough, Nate got called to be the 2nd Counselor in the Rivergrove 3rd Ward Bishopric.  When the Stake President asked him if he would be willing to accept the calling, Nate paused and said "we are actively looking to move, is that a problem?" The Stake President said, "have you put an offer in?" Nate: "no." Stake president: "Then we're good!"

Nate was too nervous about people coming on Sunday that he didn't even tell his parents till very late the night before.  Alas, we had our meeting, he was called and then they asked him to bear his testimony. To this day, it is still one of the MOST powerful testimonies I have ever heard. He served in the bishopric for 8 months before we moved.

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