Thursday, April 19, 2012

Coming Soon...

We needed a new family picture....

This past week, we headed off to San Diego for Spring Break. I have some family there so I was particularly excited to see everyone that I don't get to see often.  The trip itself was interesting.  I was wondering why I was suddenly car sick.  As long as I was driving, I was fine. Lucky for Nate, I ended up driving MOST of the trip to and from San Diego.  

We got home Sunday night and the following morning, Monday, the 16th, I just couldn't wait any longer to find out what the heck was going on. So, while at Target with my mom and sister in law, I announced I needed to use the restroom and hurried and bought a pregnancy test and used the restroom at Target. Yep, that's how I roll.  I immediately called Nate and shared the news to which his reply was "serious? that's not real."  Yes it is, my friends. And we are so stinking excited.

We have been trying for two years. Ever since our last pregnancy flop and an 'oh so awesome' D&C, we've had no luck. We went through 3 rounds of Clomid and nada! Given our past with losing Addy's twin and the Blighted Ovum (go ahead and google that) we weren't sure WHAT the heck was going on. So, our doctor suggested getting in touch with a Specialist (also a suggestion from my super smart sister in law). Well, that sometimes takes a while to be seen, so in the mean time, our doctor who is absolutely amazing, ran some tests. One of which was called a Hysterosalpingogram or HSG (you can google that too). Then there were blood tests and other things I won't go into... this is a PG blog, afterall.  EVERYTHING came back normal. SO confusing.

Now, here we are!  

I've already been in for 2 blood tests this week to make sure my levels are rising and I have an ultrasound early next week. 

We told Hailey and Addy that night and they were so so so excited. The conversation went like this:

Nate: Do you guys know what pregnant means?

Tiff: Do you remember when Pepper (our guinea pig) was pregnant?

Hailey: Yes

Tiff: What happened to Pepper?

Hailey: She had babies.

Addy: Blank stare, sucking her thumb.

Nate: Well, mommy is pregnant.

Hailey: (with just about as much excitement as you can imagine) You're gonna have a BABY???? I think it's a girl.

Addy: I think it will be a boy AND a girl.

Oh goodness. We love children.  They have been telling EVERYONE since. Even some random girl at ice skating lessons the other night. 

So, here's to the hopes of a happy and healthy pregnancy. . . .


Brittani said...

Yay Yay Yay!!!!! I couldn't be more excited for you! Congrats and loves! (and apparently a lot of exclamation points as well :)) I will be keeping you in my prayers

Allison said...

I am crying, thanks. Haha so excited for you guys!

JenRoth said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!! Everything will be great! You deserve it!

Nibarger said...

WOW!!!! This is great! Congrats!!! You guys make such cute kids it will definitely be another cutie!

Unknown said...

YAAAAAAAAAY!!!! We're so happy for you guys!

Kris said...

SO glad to hear the news and the fun details behind it! And I'm so glad we're finally pregnant together - ha. Hope all continues to go well for you guys.

Emily said...

YEAH! I'm so excited for you ALL!

Pays said...

How exciting!! Congratulations!!

The Staheli's said...

WOOT WOOT! New niece or nephew! Can't wait! :D

Sophia said...

well. . .CONGRATS to you! said...

This is the best post ever! I am so stinkin happy for you guys! And I love getting all the pregnancy 101 :)

.the palsky's. said...

so we're a little out of the loop, but we're soooo excited for you!! congratulations!