Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm going to have to back track to our Spring Break Vacation after this post, but I wanted to post about this while it was fresh in my mind.  This past weekend, we (Nate & I) were lucky and blessed enough to attend the temple with Adam & Tonna. Adam is Nate's brother and we've been looking forward to this day for some time. They were sealed in the Salt lake City Temple on Saturday the 21st of April. It was a beautiful day full of tears, smiles, laughter, food, intense feelings and most of all, it was full of love.  

It was so great to be in such a sacred place with so many people we love. We are so excited for them to embark on this new chapter in life and I know great blessings will come their way.  

Aside from how amazing this time was, I endured a scary first.  Up until the Friday night before the Sealing, I had never had anyone besides my mother or my mother in law put my children to bed. As described in previous posts, I have some intense issues with night time. With that, comes anxiety about leaving my kids at night. (it's pretty much one of the most frustrating issues ever).  So, I knew how important this event was and I knew I WANTED to be there.  I asked someone I trust to the moon and back with my kids and she was very willing to take on the challenge. Not only did she have to take on my kids, but she had to deal with my anxiety about it as well! Lucky her!  Needless to say, everything went fine, as I always KNOW that it will and everyone survived.

We were running ON TIME to the endowment session on Friday night, but apparently, it's a busy night at the Temple so when we got there 15 minutes early, they had already seated the 7pm session which we were suppose to be in for Adam and Tonna.  After pretty much begging to let us sneak in, they suggested we do sealings instead and meet everyone after. So, we did. And, I have to admit, it was an amazing experience. We met up with everyone afterwards then headed home to check on our kiddos.

Saturday was a stressful situation just because we were having a hard time finding someone to watch our girls while we went to the sealing in Salt Lake.  A couple days before, we heard from Nate's sister Jess that her mother in law was willing to watch them for us and it was a lifesaver. So, we dropped the kids off at their house and headed to the temple. It was the same day as the Salt Lake Marathon, so there was CRAZY traffic but we made it on time, even quite a bit early, and it all turned out so perfect.  

After the sealing, we had lunch across the street at City Creek and it was catered by the Red Iguana, which is a family favorite. Good times!

(Hailey and Addy with their Aunt and Uncle)

After the afternoon events, it was time to go home and regroup from such a great weekend with family.

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