Friday, February 6, 2009

chest pain and scary knocks

Let me just tell you what happened to me the other night. Some of you have already heard this story, but I felt it was blog-worthy.

Anyone have CRAZY dreams?? Well, I use to not dream very much because i'm an extremely light sleeper. Let's just say that Nate has to turn his computer OFF at night because I can hear the sound of it running and it keeps me awake!

So, the other night, I had a dream that pretty much scared the pants right off me. This is what happened.

All I remember from the dream is that Hailey was having struggles. She was getting a little upset so I went downstairs to get something for her when Nate started to ask her what was wrong. So, I shouted up the stairs to tell him when he came running down the stairs to see what it was I had said... apparently, I didn't shout loud enough. For some reason, I started gasping for air (in the dream) and was clutching at my chest becaues I couldn't breathe. He came all the way down the stairs to see what was wrong and I fell to the floor not being able to breathe and doing everything I could to get some air.

Well, not such a weird dream, right? WRONG... the next thing I know, Nate is over me SHAKING me to wake up. As I wake up, I gasped for air and he was asking if I was ok. K, People, He said I was hyperventillating! WHAT? It really freaked him out and said I couldn't breathe so he was shaking me to see if he could wake me up! Yeah! SCARY!

The weird part is (since that isn't weird enough) that my chest was hurting SO bad after that dream. You know when you haven't worked out for awhile and you run like 100 miles and feel like your lungs and chest is going to collapse???? yeah, that's what it felt like.. and it felt like my heart was on FIRE! So weird.. I went to the chiropractor the next morning because I was still having pain.. but i'm feeling better now. So weird.

OH... and the other night... at about 12:30 after we had gone to bed and all our lights were out, I heard a knock at our door.

FREAKED me out, so I woke up Nate and he went down to check out what it was. Meanwhile, i'm freaking out and I had THE worst feeling come over me. He came back to bed and said there wasn't anyone there.. then I made him go check all the doors to make sure they were locked (even though secretly I knew they were because i'm pretty anal about that). We called Danny, who lives in our basement and was working that night (doing security) and he said he would come check out the area. He did and found the cops BUSTING some guy a couple houses away from ours! WHAT THE???????

Yeah, I've had my fair share of crazy nights this past week!


Allison said...

HOLY CRAP! First of all- that dream freaks me out and makes me feel like you should go get checked out by a doctor doctor not just the chiropractor. Second what the heck, somebody was lurking around your neighbourhood? That freaks me out and I'm not even there... I take it you won't be sleeping for the next few weeks? Seriously, I am now paranoid! So THANKS :P

Kris said...

Holy Smokes! You scare me Tiff. Are you sure you're alright with the hyperventilating and all? That's crazy. And I hate our creepy neighborhood. I'm sorry you get all the creepos and tagging at your house!

JarednJenna said...

Actually, Nate was trying to kill you in your sleep and unfortunately, you woke up in the middle of it. Good job Nate to be fast on your feet and turn attemted murder into..."baby, its ok, you're having a bad dream".

Good thing you got a "scary cat" to protect you guys from the "Bump in the night"!!!!