Sunday, December 26, 2010

Counting Blessings

I thought i'd be doing a Christmas post tonight, but i'm WAY too tired after a long day of driving to even load my pictures on to my laptop right now, so instead, i'll quickly post something that's been on my mind since we got home.

My nerves are completely shot. Tonight, after driving home from dinner at my in-laws, we got off our exit to our house and were waiting to turn left at the light. Our light then turned green. There was a short pause before Nate accelerated and it was a good thing we weren't in any hurry and a good thing he hesitated before entering the intersection. He pushed on the gas, I yelled, and he slammed on the brakes just in time for a huge truck to run the light and almost t-bone us. He was going at least 35 and had no intentions of slowing down. I pretty much stopped breathing for a bit and we looked at eachother knowing that if we had been hit, our van would have been tipped for sure and we all would have gone to the hospital.

So, tonight, as I sit here, EXTREMELY grateful for life and my family, I feel as though I've had a heart attack and I can't get to bed fast enough. Tonight, i'm counting my many blessings, especially thankful for the blessing of safety tonight and today in our long day of travels. It's times like these that I reflect on my Savior and am in complete awe of how much he cares and watches out for us on a daily basis.


The Stahelis said...

Scary! :( So glad to hear you made it home SAFELY! And it was great to see you guys today...even if a little chaotic. haha

Valerie Mom said...

So glad you are safe. So glad you made it home from Vegas in time for Sunday dinner with us. Can't wait to see all of your Christmas pictures.