Saturday, March 31, 2018

July 2015 4th of July Fireworks

For a few years, we went to Pleasant Grove Jr. High to watch fireworks.
They really do the very best job with fireworks. It's pretty amazing. It's close, it's loud, it's bright and right above our heads.  We take blankets and chairs, find a good spot and set up camp for the evening.
While we wait for the dark to settle in, we play card games, talk, eat treats and watch the cousins play. Addy has a love/hate relationship with the 4th of July. She loves the swimming with cousins, the food, the family and fun. She doesn't love the fireworks. Fireworks send her anxiety into full force. She seems to tolerate it a little better each year but still needs a lot of snuggling and consoling from dad.  Benson also loves his play time and snuggling with Uncle Nate. They are buds for sure.
Hailey and Avery along with Addy had a tradition of doing nails while waiting for the fireworks. This time Benson wanted to be involved. He didn't have a desire to help with the painting but rather wanted his nails painted. Of course the girls were happy to oblige.

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