Saturday, March 31, 2018

July 2015 iPhone Randoms

Softball is and always has been a huge part of our Spring, Summer and Fall. Addy wasn't so excited about taking a picture. Hailey on the other had was waving Daddy's trophie proudly.

July is usually full of family, sun, swimming, BBQ's and more. This year was no different.

Snowcones with cousins

Hailey's and Spotty

Early Morning hot air balloons

Sandbox time with Grandma

Swimming with Dad

Addy and her keen sense of style

Sunkissed sisters

Helpful Hailey

Koda cannot stand to be left out of ANYTHING

Addy and her new found love for doing her own top-buns.

The Banana

Top Buns for days

Oh Happy Day.
There is just no comparison to Canadian chocolate.

Fishtail braid. I love that Addy doesn't ind me playing with her hair and trying new things.

Addy's attempt and trying guitar lessons. It lasted a few months.

Another creative hair playing by grandma.

Night swim with cousins.

My absolute favorite time at the salon with my favorite result.

Swimming with cousins and diving for pool rings. 

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