Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chocolate and Vanilla!

I'm so blessed to have these two in my life. 

They can't get enough of eachother...

I can't get enough of their giggles...

Or their silly faces...

One Blonde. One Brunette. One olive. One fair. One content. One Intense. 
Two Fearless. Two Busy. Two irrisistable.

Blend them together and you have one perfect combination of flavors.
Chocolate and Vanilla.


Jess and Matt said...

I love these pictures!! Your girls are so adorable; really precious sisters, I love it!

Jamie said...

Ok, those are the cutest pictures ever! I miss those little girls. It's so sweet how much they love eachother.

Cody, Toni, Aurie and Kenleigh said...

They are both so stinkin' pretty!

Carmen said...

So cute, so so so so cute! I love these pictures and I love your new blog layout, it is awesome. Ben and I totally love chocolate and vanilla, haha!

The Hendershots said...

Those pictures are so precious. I miss seeing you guys at church. I need to come by this week and bring your little walker back though- sorry I've had it forever.

Kris said...

I love the chocolate and vanilla analogy - so cute. Two sweet girls that we don't see nearly enough. :-)