Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sweet Sick Addysen

First of all, this video breaks my heart. Poor little Addy was so sick. She lost her voice and was just miserable. Lately, life has been a whirlwind around the Johnson Home. Poor Hailey recently had a cold in which she passed on to little Addy.

Addy got worse and worse till I finally felt the need to call her doctor. Upon doing so, the doctor worried about the fact that she was so sick at such a young age and asked me to bring her in to be looked at. After a stressful day of having no car, having to borrow a friends AND her baby's carseat, I was off to the doctor.

We found out that Addy had Croup. Now, this was even more scary because she's so young. We had to keep a close eye on her throughout the duration of her illness to make sure her throat wasn't closing and swelling. Later that afternoon, she turned completely white. Off to the doctor we go. They checked her oxygen, monitored her for about an hour and a half, then told us to go home, and keep her sitting up while she slept and watch her real close. If anything changed, to take her in immediately.

Well, yesterday, Tuesday, I felt the need to take her back in to make sure she wasn't getting worse. While there, the doctor and I were talking about everything that's going on, and to make a long story short, she needs to be seen by a surgeon to make sure that there isn't something more serious going on with her throat. The possibility of a birth mark formed in the trachea or the trachea being too small has them worried. Again, the fact that she is so little makes them more worried than normal. We have scheduled an appointment for August 19th @ 1:15pm at Primary Childrens Hospital. Please keep little Addy in your prayers and we'll keep everyone posted on the progress!


Cheri said...

seriously this is the saddest little video. I am so sorry. We are definitely praying hard for you, for sweet Addysen and your whole family. I'm calling the temple first thing tomorrow and putting you all on the prayer roll too.
Hang in there, you are amazing!

Tara said...

Tiff I am so sorry to hear about Addy!!! I know how scary it is to have a sick kid. We will keep Addy and your family in our prayers.

The Staheli's said...

Oh Tiff!
Seriously, I know I've said it a million times. But I'm so sorry that your baby is sick. I hope that all of this gets worked out quickly and you guys can move forward with your happy and HEALTHY family. You will be in our prayers. Love you guys!

Laisa said...

Oh Tiff, I am so sorry - having sick kids is the worst. My kids just got rid of colds too. We will definitely keep you guys in our prayers - take care.

Carmen said...

I know I have already talked to you, and Nate, and texted....sorry if I am starting to bug but I am one of the worrying type. Just know that we are keeping Addy and your family in our prayers. I wish they could get her into the surgeoun sooner, but I guess this will have to do. Take care and know that you are loved.

Lia said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. Both of our kids have asthma and allergies so we have constant wheezing and throat closure with every cold, and they get sick every three weeks pretty much, not kidding! We've been in the ER countless times for pneumonia, etc. So, I so know that feeling of helplessness, that you would do anything to take the pain for them! Our prayers will definitely be with you! Good Luck!

Leah said...

Um, YEAH, that is THE SADDEST VIDEO! I could only watch 5 seconds of it. I'm so sorry to hear my darling little Addy is sick. Garrit, Drew and I will pray for her.

Leah said...

Oh yeah, and we'll pray for you too. XOXO

The Scholer Family said...

Poor Addy! She sounds terrible!!! If you need anything let us know. You are in our thoughts and prayers1

Shantel said...

That sucks that Addy has been sick. I hope that she gets better soon. Let us know if you need anything. We can watch little monkey too. Skylan named one of her babies, Hailey. Love ya lots!