Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Naps?? Are they over??

I'm struggling with trying to figure something out. Little H is confusing me. She has such a hard time going to sleep at night the last few months. It all started when I tried to put the two girls in the same room. Addy would wake Hailey up from crying, and from then on, Hailey wakes up randomly at night and says she's scared. So, now that Hailey has a hard time sleeping through the night some nights there is a new little issue... Naps.

Here's the usual schedule(which has worked quite well for me)
7-7:30 - Hailey wakes up
8ish - Addy wakes up
8:30 - Breakfast
9ish - run errands or take Nate to work if needs be
10am - Addy's morning nap & fun time with Hailey
11:30am - Addy wakes up and we run errands(if we have a car that day)
1-1:30pm - Lunch
2pm - Both girls go down for Naps
4ish- girls wake up
6ish - Daddy gets home and we have dinner
7:15 - bath time
8pm- Addy goes to bed
8-9pm - Hailey goes to bed. (mind you, we brush teeth, go potty, then read a story, say extremely cute prayers, hugs and kisses, sing a song or two, while tickling her arm, THEN leave the door open and she goes to bed.
10pm: go check on the girls, close Hailey's door and continue my quiet time.

Seems like it works right? does for the most part. The issue i'm having is lately we put Hailey to bed and she'll lay in her bed and play for an hour, sometimes two and doesn't end up asleep till about 10:30 or later sometimes. Now, in between the time of putting her to bed and her falling asleep, it's sometimes filled with:
"mommy, my toe hurts"
"mommy, my room is pink"
"mommy, I have to go potty"
"mommy, there's a shadow on my wall"
"mommy, Toshi is sad" (her teddy bear)
"mommy, I had a rough day, will you make me feel better?"....

and the list goes on of excuses she uses to get out of her bed, or to just make me come to her. Now, we have tried ignoring her, which only makes her really upset, telling her if she gets out of her bed again, we'll shut her door... which works, but now,she just yells to us from her bed.

I have also tried moving her naptime up to 12 or 1 and she still stays up late. PLUS, if I do that, then in essence, I will be napping kids from 10am to 4pm EVERY day. When will I get anything done?

Now, on the days that she doesn't get a nap, yes, she's quite cranky by the evening but she'll go to bed at 8:30 or 9 and fall right to sleep.

Question: Is she ready to stop napping?

She's 2 1/2... 3 in November and it just seems to me, she's still so young to be grown out of naps already... right?

What do I do?


Tara said...

She really isn't too young to be growing out of naps. A big majority of kids are done napping by 2. Breyden was done right about the time he was 2 1/2. He would still get grumpy in the evening but he went right to sleep. We were having your same issues. If he does nap now for some takes him hours to get to sleep at night. Stinks to be done with naps, but...they tell you when they're done.

Torrie and the girls said...

I think the biggest indication of whether she's ready to be done with naps is if she's happy when she's awake. of course kids are going to have their days, I mean she's happy the majority of the time. But I have no other advice because we're on the 10-4 schedule with charlotte teething and my kids just need more sleep, so I get nothing done.... best of luck. Let me know what you figure out. my kids get up at 6 am every morning so we're still in nap mode.

Allison said...

Maybe it's just her "summer schedule". Not that I have older kids, but Mom has found with her dayhome kids that, sometimes in the summer they just don't nap as regularly as usual. And, hell-ooooo napping kids from 10-4?! I would get SO much done! Haha!

Jess and Matt said...

Hmmmm, it sounds like they are over for her, or at least on some days. It's so tricky when they don't need as much sleep anymore. We found ourselves in this situation with Taylor for a long time and it started around Hailey's age. We took it day by day. If she woke up early in the morning, I would try and give her a nap that day and usually she would go down, but if she slept in some and seemed happy, I would try and hold her off, endure a few afternoon meltdowns and then just put her to bed nice and early, like around 7. Another thing I tried, so that I could still have some time to myself, is quiet time. I still do this when she gets crabby (or I need to not be bothered), I have go on her bed, look at books or color, but she is not allowed to come out until I come and get her. Some days she will fall asleep, but most days she is able to relax, recharge from the down time, and is happy the rest of the day without a nap, and I still get some time where I can get things done. It doesn't surprise me that Hailey may be growing out of her naps a little earlier than some kids; it seems like she has done a lot of things earlier than the norm. She is an energetic kid who doesn't want to miss out, and as long as you can find a way to make it work, adjust your schedule if need be, then it's probably for her best.

Kris said...

I'm sorry, I really have nothing to say except maybe good luck? It really is nice having moms go before you in steps like this and then being able to get their opinions! So be sure to write this all down, an then when Logan goes through the same thing, I'll come and ask you. ha ha ;-)

Carmen said...

I have no comment about the napping thing, but I LOVE your new blog layout, it's adorable!!! Love ya and good luck.

Mandie said...

Avery does the same thing, I kind of think that it may be another annoying phase because lately she has been taking great naps and going to bed around 9 waking up at 8:30. She will be 3 in October.
I say continue naps as long as you can! Good Luck you're doing great!!!