Friday, August 26, 2011

Indian Summer

It happens every year.

And it doesn't take long.

And every year, I am amazed.

I know she gets it from me, because of our Indian blood, but DANG!  I WISH I could get a great tan like this.

Pictures don't do it justice.  

Looking back at pictures when I was little, I got pretty tan too, but not like this little monkey. I'm so grateful that my girls have skin that doesn't burn.  We have been out in the sun a lot this summer and no burns.  Addy is pretty fare, but still, she manages to keep from getting burnt. I am so grateful for that. 

While that's not the only thing i'm grateful for lately, i'll have to save that for another post.

Till then, i'll continue to apply sunblock, and she'll continue to get more tan. 
And i'll continue to worry about skin cancer. 

Here's to beautiful AND healthy skin.

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