Tuesday, December 18, 2007


For those of you planning or thinking of babysitting someone's dog, pay close attention. Last week, we had a flood in our condo that we rent. Due to the damage, our renter ended up having to go to a hotel for a while. So, being the nice guy that Nate is, brought the renters dog home, offering to watch it for a while till the condo was fixed. The very first day, the dog attacked Hailey. I thought that maybe Hailey had startled the dog, knowing the dog was not use to children. Although, Hailey was really good with him, as I made sure of it. It broke skin in one spot leaving welt marks on the rest of her face. We thought maybe it was just a fluke. Not paying attention to my instincts, we kept the dog around. The next day, once again, it happened. With Hailey not even close to the dog, it lunged at her and attacked her. For the rest of the time while we were trying to get a hold of the renter, we kept the dog away from Hailey. The night the owner was coming to pick the dog up, the dog was running around all the while that Hailey was minding her own business playing with mom's wallet. The dog struck again, with no signs AT ALL of being provoked. I was sitting right there when it happened. A mother's worst nightmare. The results of the last attack threw me into panick. If any of you are planning on dogsitting for someone, please make sure the dog is use to children and is not a territorial dog. Here are the results:
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Anonymous said...

Happy to hear you're okay. Poor little Hailey. Give her a kiss for me. Love, grandma

The Staheli's said...

Poor Hailey!!! Glad the dog isn't around anymore. She is still dang cute, even with a cut up little face!

Leah said...

Man, I want to kill that dog.