Friday, April 15, 2011

Easter Traditions

It's Friday night, Nater went to pick up Outback for us, the kids are in bed and i'm pondering. 
Pondering on the subject of Easter. Since having kids, I have always just done what I remember my parents doing for us growing up.  
Simple Easter basket with some eggs and candy, maybe a little toy if we were lucky. Along side the basket was ALWAYS a new dress. Shirt and pants for my brothers of course. That would be weird if they got dresses too. 

What i've come to realize though, is some people make Easter HUGE deal. Like BIG presents deal.  Is this normal? Have I been missing out all these years?  

Naw, while keeping the real meaning of this holiday in mind, I want to know what your Easter traditions are.   I'm curious as to if it is a big deal and I just don't know it?  If i'm not a cool mom for not making it a big deal? Please tell me, what do you do for Easter??


Going Full Hippie said...

Lovin the new layout!

When I was a kid wee always got new church clothes and a book. I always looked forwardtoa new book, because I love to read. And that was it! I'm sure there were candy or eggs or something, but that's not what I remember, it was always the book.

Kristy said...

It was never a huge deal growing up--some candy, some eggs and that's about it. I'm still trying to decide what I want to do for my kids, but I think I'm going to avoid most of the candy and stick to a couple of small gifts. I'm also thinking that we will do the Easter basket thing on Saturday and focus on the real meaning of Easter on Sunday. Still working that out! I don't know if that helped or not. :)

Kris said...

Nah, we were the same. The typical Easter basket with candy, maybe a little chapstick in there, a couple other trinkety things. And of course a new dress that matched my three other sisters. :-) I'm with you... simple, simple. I do like the idea of a enw book though. said...

Sounds like you've been doing great job so far! For us it was our easter baskets filled with candy, and a new bathing suit. Later on was an easter egg hunt of course. I always loved getting a new suit. It was the perfect way to kick off spring/summer! Its a tradition I think we'll be carrying on with our kids someday. We're actually carrying it on now. As you are aware of my suit delima ;)

Carmen said...

I loved the candy or chocolate eggs leading out to our baskets. My parents hid them well too, which I loved. We did get candy and usually one small gift (which is what the path of candy led to). I don't remember getting huge stuff, but I loved the search. As you know now we do the money easter egg hunt and LOVE IT! I think your tradition sounds great although I am thinking I might take Rachel's, bathing suits are so fun.

Allison said...

Ha, trust me you are a way cooler mom than I am, not that it's something to be overly concerned about. We always just had our little Easter egg hunt and a new church outfit. For me, there wouldn't be a present big enough to represent the gift He gave us, so we just make sure the kids at least look presentable on Easter :) Sometimes I like Easter a lot more than Christmas, because there isn't the pressure to find a bunch of gifts, etc... It's nice to have another chance every year to just contemplate Christ and his mission, without all the "fluff", you know?