Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mean Mom, Sad Addy

The other day, I had one of those 'not so proud' mommy moments. I got really upset with Addy. The 'mean look' upset. You know, the kind where you don't yell or cry, you don't really know what to do, so you just give them a mean look. Don't lie, I Know you've all done it. Anyways, a few minutes later, I hear a few little whimpers of sadness coming from the corner of the dining room and this is what I found..

That's right, instead of consoling sad little Addy, I chose to take pictures instead.
There are just some days when I question why I was entrusted with these little Angels with all my imperfections. Then in the same moment, i'm filled with the most intense gratitude for having the opportunity to raise such amazing children.

Don't worry, Addy and I made up and we're friends again. :-)

1 comment: said...

Such a sad face! What a sweet little Hailey to comfort her little sis.