Sunday, January 20, 2013

Christmas Vacation!!

We decided to leave a little extra early for our trip to Las Vegas. So, when Nate got off work, we headed to Beaver. It was absolutely freezing, as you can tell by the picture of the temperature gage in the car. The sunset was beautiful on the drive though. We got there in plenty of time to go to dinner at a restaurant next to our hotel. After eating, we headed back to the hotel to take the girls swimming. They were so excited about this. They hadn't been swimming since Summer and they were ecstatic about it.

There's one rule that always stands in my family with hotel rooms. You see, since I was little, we have had to live in several hotels while waiting for housing. We moved quite a bit and hotels became our home a few times. The rule we always had was no jumping on the beds at home, but you MUST in hotels. :-) My brothers did break a hotel bed once by doing this, but we won't talk about that.
Addy did fall off the bed in the middle of the night on this trip. I asked her if she was ok and she just ignored me and got back into bed. Silly girl.

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