Sunday, January 20, 2013


Sunday morning December 2nd, Hailey woke up with no voice and an awful cough. Having heard that same cough before when Addy was an infant, I knew we were in for trouble.
I took her into the after hours clinic for her doctors office and the doctor on call informed us that she had croup.  I was not happy about this because I knew what was ahead for my little monkey.
We got the steroid for her and off we went. She had to have the steroids so her throat wouldn't close up.
She was absolutely miserable.
A couple days later, she was sitting on the kitchen counter, still not able to breathe well and she made a funny noise. I turned quickly to see what she was doing and she was reaching for me with the most awful/scared look on her face and she was BLUE. She couldn't get ANY air in. I freaked out and yelled for Nate.. He came running in as I was grabbing my phone to call 911 when she finally was able to slowly get a TINY bit of air in. I held her and tried to calm her down so she could breathe a little better. After a few minutes, she was calm and back to breathing a little better. I kept a close eye on her that week and kept her home from school the entire week. Luckily, Addy didn't catch it.
I hate croup.

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