Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Nate and I cleaned the garage REALLY well the other day.  Because of this, Nate had some printers and such that he put on our sidewalk for anyone who wanted them. The next morning, I was out doing some yard work, fairly early in the morning when this nice man walks by. He walks by every morning and he offered to dump the printers for me in garbage cans since it was garbage day. Without taking no for an answer, he began searching for empty garbage cans.  Well, these printers are HUGE people.  I saw him struggle, so I ran to help him and right as I got to him, he dropped the printer, right on my toe.  I bit my tongue, because I didn't want him to feel bad, but oh my crap, that hurt.

I had surgery on my feet when I was a teenager and I have pins in my toes as well as a gnarly scar.  It fell RIGHT on that spot.  My foot swelled real quick and as the day went on, I got a little nervous that I might have broken something. I got it x-rayed and the great news was that it was not broken but it had done some damage to the scar tissue surrounding my surgical site. Instructions were to lay low and let it heal without adding any additional stress to my foot. :-)